Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is A Cavity Considered Emegency Dental

Hello my friends,
I am sorry that I have not written for so long. With this entry I will inform you first about the latest news.
My life continues to learn from English (twice a week English course), jogging (fat I am anyway) and work. Often the work is tiring, but I realize that I can help the real, which is a good feeling. Nevertheless, children are probably the sweetest when they can submit again after one day ... I still remember exactly what Angel my girls were at first. That has since changed, but I still love about everything.
Unfortunately, last Friday's something not so fortunate, as a child (Tania) stole from me. I have been a few weeks where every night a child to sleep my little stuffed animal, which they have always been very pleased. On Friday morning I went to Naylea that had the stuffed animal, she found it no more. Since children usually go home on weekends we searched her bag, her knapsack and all Nivel found nothing. I send them to school and began to rummage through all the bags and found one in Tania's case. This shocked me very, because to me the help looking all morning and had also had flamed Naylea extreme that it would be impossible for me to steal. This boldness I had a first grader (six years old) really not expected, although I know that the child is very poor.
The animal is not important to me. But the lies and to attract other children in the dirt, is impossible. In general, I am and the other Germans believe that stealing much too little is being punished. If the children little things go wrong, there is often a huge theater, but in the first week Kaddas MP3 player was stolen, said the nuns almost nothing. Yesterday, two children, probably stolen from the nuns' house money and that was to now not properly addressed or punished. Priorities are often set differently here than I think is right, because even a poor child has, in my opinion, no right to take away something different and should learn that this is wrong.
Overall, I see myself now but with my good nun, even though I do not have initially liked it. It is more the type that you like on the second look and does not reflect the actual definition of a nun (thick, kind, loving, tolerant, balanced), but looks somewhat grim and often complains to the girls (which is also necessary ). After some time, but you realize how much she loves the children and what they will do anything for them. In addition, it is very ironic, kidding like a couple of children, which is very untypical, but nun-super funny.
nuns the way about 2 Hobbies: Praying and eating. They do all day if they just do not watch the children. So we have won their affection and above all by our pancakes.
There are about 10 nuns, no one knows for sure. Only two of them have to do directly with the children (mine and those from the 2nd Nivel), nor 2 others take over the management and organization of the orphanage. Another (very old) nun is only for the morning prayer and setting up before eating and primarily responsible for Mecker. When she fell and broke her arm, she could not two weeks Come what probably regrets not a child. The other 50-10
nuns have no real purpose as they are too old and half dead for all tasks. The two hobbies, you can perform relatively well. The nun
dominate all but no English, so it's really helpful that we are here to help with English homework. This assistance is also urgently needed, because the English of most children, and especially the debate are awful. English is taught in the school seems to be not very good because the children the importance of what they say and I usually do not know thus to each question, the answer is "It` sa book "... get
in school ist sowieso einige verbesserungswürdig, andererseits sind die Feste und Veranstaltungen immer sehr süß vorbereitet. Zu jedem Feiertag werden Lieder gesungen und Sachen aufgeführt.
Was momentan nicht so erfreulich ist, ist dass es seit Wochen jeden Tag Reis gibt. Meist mit Ketchup und sonst mit irgendeiner Brühe in der, sehr einsam ,2-3 gemüseähnliche Stückchen schwimmen. Ich hab mittlerweile regelrechte Reis-Albträume und werde ihn in Deutschland auch die nächsten 2 Jahre nicht mehr essen.
Aber viel Reis ist immer noch besser als KEIN Wasser! Seit einer Woche fällt bei uns jeden Tag für mindestens 5 Stunden oder manchmal auch den ganzen Tag/ Nacht das Wasser aus. Das heißt kein Duschen, kein Abwaschen and no going to the toilet because the flush does not even work. Thus in our WG slogans like: "I do not eat everything all day, because otherwise I have to go to the bathroom." Fortunately we have a water tank so we can haul buckets up and they can tip over us. The water has unfortunately felt 10 degrees and is used up quickly.
It really appalled by how much water is consumed in a day and just be stuck without it. As Mexico City has an extreme water problem, it will probably not be offered in the near future more water. It also states that his depleted from February all the water to the city. Rejoice therefore in a smelly Sanja.
Immer mal wieder fällt auch der Strom aus, aber das ist nicht so schlimm. Nur plötzlich im stockdunklen Supermarkt zu stehen, war etwas beängstigend.
Die Berichte über das Toten Hosen Konzert in Mexiko City und über mein Wochenende folgen!
Dicker Kuss von Sanja


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