times today: death. The death is in fact an interesting thing and it is also worth pondering about him sometimes while you are alive. You'd think that would not be necessary because he always a each of us sooner or later catch up and overtake, but I do think that one is already at an early stage should engage with him. To avoid being dominated in the here and now by the fear of him. Also only an hour's worth, to darken the thought of him, can not be. But everyone knows about the death, and many fear him. And many try to escape this fear by ignoring him. I know the fear that you ignored. It hangs around in the extreme part of our viewing angle, and grows and grows and becomes a threatening, ever darkening shadow. If you look brave but then again directly towards the mosquito is still so small and insignificant, like the first time, had glimpsed a man. She's as harmless as before you started to ignore it. So it is with the fear of death. He needs to look at, look at once exactly what it has with him so that he can not throw eerie shadows on the wall of our lives.
I believe in the resurrection. That is, I think we get to heaven and enter into the glory of God. A cousin of mine is the following:. Rumhüpfen you see a large meadow on the loud colorful souls. In pure joy. Someone else has suggested once that we are in paradise, all 33 years old. As old as Jesus was when he died and therefore in the prime of our lives. I have no concrete idea of what it will be, but I think we'll just be in the presence of God and thus illuminated by joy that we present here not on the earth. The opposite, hell must be the distance from God, therefore. Knowing that you have voluntarily opted against this presence. For more gnashing of teeth. It is hard to imagine that you can decide as to knowingly and deliberately. A little one can imagine but it might. If you love someone, then one might be at any price at this man. And yet it can not always. And there are times when a decision one against it and suffers hell jellyfish inside. It is far from what you love and may have no way to achieve it ever again. Aware of what you have taken yourself.
is still given to every one of us, this decision freely in the hand. I do not think any man who has no idea of the existence of God, can therefore end up in hell. Since then the whole will prove God's grace. But someone has recognized the God and yet decided against him. I think that then the hell is quite a reality. Forever.
But that's already a step too far thought. Death is something all earthly things. In fact, paradoxically, something quite lively. The death perhaps there is not, think about what I will, but dying. For death itself is only a fraction of a second. Perhaps a moment that we have given a name, but which it does not exist, as we move directly and without interruption from one reality to another. The death describes only the end here on earth. It says nothing about it. And nothing about it.
I accompanied in my life one person at death and even that is not quite right, because when he made his last breath in this world, I slept - holding his hand. And yet I was there, as he struggled with death, clinging to the life that he would not leave. Perhaps he has become in the last moments aware that it is quite absurd to cling to it. Because what is so wonderful and all encompassing, as only imagine. Maybe it was the grace shown here when he was still with us today to be able to take a brief look over and maybe he has therefore been in the last seconds of no more fear. I hope so.
Why do we have such a fear of death? Is it the pain that can accompany the dying? Is it the last bit of uncertainty whether there really an "after" exists? Is it the dark, oppressive fear that if the eyes for the last time, includes everything that comes the wet, dark soil, and one eats a worm? If you're as right think about it, it loses much of its horror. I think it's probably more that what we have to leave here on earth. The people we love. For all the faith of the world and all confidence that it will be wonderful, can we not take the pain of loss. If I spent time with someone and he takes his leave to go home, then I experience a similar feeling. I miss these people, even though I know that he, where he went there, very well. Perhaps because the subconscious always floats that little bit afraid that something could happen if we do not look? Just as the little bit of fear exists, there could be nothing more after death than black, cold emptiness? Maybe.
fact is that we have received through Jesus the Hope. The hope and the belief in it - what we call heaven. Because he died for us and because he actually - has increased over the worst of all states down - completely voluntary. In the distance from God. So that our sins are forgiven and we can enter the kingdom of God. Through him and with him. Because he did not remain in the deep. No. He is risen and so has all his glory - reveals his humanity and his divinity. The gift, which he has made us so, so big that you accept the same can only be very small and humble. That also makes many people so hard. For most people can not assume that they simply give a gift. You want to give back. Because they do not want to be in somebody's fault. The stark in Jesus is - he gives his life, without which we are thus indebted to him. Totally free, totally free. Nothing we can do here on earth can ever be the same, and with nothing we can give him back what he has done. Strange. All he wants is our love.
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