me because the first round of cereal bars tasted very good but as a full bar but viiieelll too powerful today I have a couple of times gewerkelt cereal cubes.
I used soft oatmeal as they stick better and not be cooked when the cube breaks apart.
I am very pleased with the outcome and agave syrup is great!
Ingredients: (cut into small cubes.)
160 g soft oatmeal
4 tablespoons sunflower seeds
4 tbsp sesame
100 g dried apricots
100 g acc. Almonds
50 g butter
10 EL lukewarm water
10 tablespoons agave syrup
butter in a large pot of agave syrup and water, melt remaining ingredients and stir vigorously, add about 10 min can be drawn.
Small cube shape (I used a mini Tupperbox, they are brushed with oil) to a set of baking paper on a baking sheet and bake at 150 degrees 25-30 minutes.
cold cereal cube with the "foot" dip in chocolate. Let dry
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