I play live is the second cast as a puppet in my own.
Life is really funny, we are like robots. We are in the morning to go to work, eat, sleep, drink, and because from the beginning again, and every day. that's really stupid total, who has come up with all this?
I feel have been longer so I get up in the morning, regulate traveling by bus to Denmark to school, because I drive back, eat things, and sit around for sleep, and so it goes every day, where is the remained pretty simple life, where one was still a small child. when I was small I have the whole day with my barbie doll play, and stories made up, there was no one had expectations for a carefree. one was untroubled in a water jump Fützen without thinking, because I'll still wet, or my new shoes. as a child it was a matter. it was sweet and small and now? so now I have my parents and others show people that I create my training, I finally make my license once I find a dear friend, and take off because what if I'm not ready for all that, what if I am not at all like 19 but feel like a child crying out for help? but all this must be admitted not because you're an adult now. and one may think of something not at all.
I hope so much that I wake up and my kids Irgenwann lay with my arm and it was teddy in nu all a bad dream. but it will not happen, I took everything has to get in and be strong and prove to all that, I can also be grown.
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